Among voters nationwide
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the NRA?
Very favorable: 23%
Somewhat favorable: 17%
Somewhat unfavorable: 11%
Very unfavorable: 39%
RON’S COMMENT: In terms of total favorability (very + somewhat), the NRA is 40% favorable and 50% unfavorable. The NRA does better with men (45%) than women (35%). It also does much better with Republicans (72%) than Democrats (17%) or independents (40%).
Which is more important?
The right of people to own guns: 18%
Protecting people from gun violence 37%
Both are equally important: 43%
In general, do you feel the laws covering the sale of handguns should be made more strict than they are now?
Make gun laws more strict: 59%
No change: 26%
Make gun laws less strict: 10%
RON’S COMMENT: 59% of voters want more strict laws covering the sale of handguns. It’s 80% among Democrats, 49% among independents and 35% among Republicans.
Do you think new gun laws or just better enforcement of current gun control laws would have prevented the El Paso shooting?
New gun control laws: 37%
Better enforcement of current gun control laws: 39%
Not sure: 24%
RON’S COMMENT: Voters are almost evenly split as to whether new gun laws or better enforcement of existing laws would have prevented the El Paso shootings. Of course, the premise of this question is that gun laws would have prevented the shootings, a proposition with which some voters may disagree. |