Lunchtime Politics

TRUMP JOB APPROVAL: AVERAGE 46% Same as yesterday RON’S COMMENT: Election Day and President Trump’s average approval rating is 46%––the exact same percentage of the popular vote he received in 2016––and may receive again?…. Today’s average is based on six polls, ranging from 42% (Reuters) to 49%...

How do you analyze an ax fight? -- Last night’s debate was a chaotic mess, a milestone that will mark the collapse of civility in American politics. Applying the normal, staid tools of analysis won’t do it justice. -- Nevertheless, I will try. ...

Based on these two polls, there was a Trump bounce, and a tightening of Biden’s trial heat margin. Of course, we don’t know how long this bounce will last or whether other polls will show something different...

Nearly two-thirds of Republican voters plan on watching at least some of the Republican "convention." They overwhelmingly want to hear a positive message about their candidate and what a new term would look like. At the convention, 85% of Republican voters would prefer to hear...

This is an overview of the 29 national polls testing Biden vs. Trump that were conducted since the Iowa caucus in early February. As you can see, Biden’s general election lead has been remarkably stable throughout this tumultuous nine-week period. These polls were taken by...

About this time in every presidential nomination contest there is talk of a brokered convention. As if on cue, we’re hearing it again. The thought of such a convention races the hearts of political junkies everywhere. It conjures the image of power brokers deciding...

Electability is Joe Biden’s calling card. Without that perceived advantage, his viability as a presidential candidate crumbles...