Lunchtime Politics

The demise of Biden’s candidacy may have been exaggerated––at least according to these two polls which give the former VP a clear advantage…. The last debate was Oct. 15 and the SurveyUSA poll was taken Oct. 15-16 and the Politico poll was taken Oct. 16-20…....

This poll was taken after last week’s debate and it shows Biden edging Warren in Iowa with Buttigieg third. It also finds that only 35% of Iowa Democrats say their minds are made up and 64% say they might change their picks before the caucuses....

Interestingly, the “public option” for health care––considered the more moderate expansion of government into health coverage––received 5 points less than the more extensive (and some would say, more radical) Medicare-for-All proposal. 58% of Democrats, 40% of independents and 25% of Republicans favor the “public option.”...

Candidates who helped themselves to some degree last night: Kamala Harris: She was the only candidate who clearly helped herself. Post-debate punditry was gushing in praise of her. She had the energy and the most applause lines. Her prosecutorial experience showed through as she pressed her...