Author: Andrew Rugg

Surveys are powerful tools for gathering feedback, measuring satisfaction, identifying problems, and discovering opportunities among internal audiences such as members, customers, employees, or stakeholders. But getting these projects launched can be daunting. Follow these ten valuable tips to get the most helpful data from member...

Survey research can help organizations better understand how elites think about important issues, improve their organization's communications, and evaluate their own organization's performance. Elite audiences are professionals with specific credentials, job titles, job functions, knowledge, work experience, news consumption habits, or a combination of those criteria....

In the aftermath of a closer-than-anticipated general election, pollsters have received no shortage of criticism for "missing" the election's outcome. This criticism is well warranted. The day before the election, our Lunchtime Politics polling average had Joe Biden leading +7 points, higher than the +3...

Many recent polls make questionable assumptions about the age of the electorate, often over-representing older voters. The result: polls are likely helping Trump’s performance in the polls and making the race tighter than it may actually be. ...

At Certus Insights, we are always advancing our capabilities to bring be best research methodologies to our clients. Below are a few capabilities that we have expanded and available for our clients....

Certus Insights has compiled an in-depth report that reviews the major trends on public attitudes toward the impeachment inquiry, including the latest polling numbers, trends in attitudes since the inquiry announcement, an overview of partisan attitudes, and the impact of impeachment on the President’s approval...

On Sunday, President Trump Tweeted that progressive congresswomen should "go back" and try to fix the "crime infested places" they "originally came from." I ran some analysis on the media coverage of the event from Sunday through this evening. I found that there have been...