
Survey research can help organizations better understand how elites think about important issues, improve their organization's communications, and evaluate their own organization's performance. Elite audiences are professionals with specific credentials, job titles, job functions, knowledge, work experience, news consumption habits, or a combination of those criteria....

In the aftermath of a closer-than-anticipated general election, pollsters have received no shortage of criticism for "missing" the election's outcome. This criticism is well warranted. The day before the election, our Lunchtime Politics polling average had Joe Biden leading +7 points, higher than the +3...

Many recent polls make questionable assumptions about the age of the electorate, often over-representing older voters. The result: polls are likely helping Trump’s performance in the polls and making the race tighter than it may actually be. ...

Will Donald Trump be reelected? That question demands one of those complicated “on the one hand” and “on the other hand” answers that most people hate and pundits love. It’s why Harry Truman said he preferred one-armed economists — so there was no “other hand”...

ICYMI: Check out Ron Faucheux's thoughts on who will be Joe Biden's running mate for the 2020 Presidential election. Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate? Given Biden’s age, voters will be tempted to view his vice-president as a future president or a major contender...

If anything comes out of the coronavirus crisis, it is the glaring need to tackle big, neglected issues. All five priorities are essential to our future. While none are perfect or easy to accomplish, combined, they can fix broken government, create jobs, advance medicine, lessen...

Michael Bloomberg is not what Democrats want, but he may be what Democrats need. None of Bloomberg’s signature traits -- 77-years-old, former Republican, billionaire -- are on the presidential wish list of most Democrats. What they want is an appealing progressive in her or...