About this time in every presidential nomination contest there is talk of a brokered convention. As if on cue, we’re hearing it again. The thought of such a convention races the hearts of political junkies everywhere. It conjures the image of power brokers deciding...

Electability is Joe Biden’s calling card. Without that perceived advantage, his viability as a presidential candidate crumbles...

Modern communication campaigns require customizing communication strategies for different target audiences. Elite audiences, professionals engaged in key decision making or with high awareness of industry developments are important target audiences for organizations to reach. Increasingly, the messages and tactics that prove effective with elite audiences...

Before launching a marketing, public relations, or public affairs campaign, conducting an analysis of news media and social can provide valuable insights that help make the campaign more effective. We call this review a media audit. What is a Media Audit? A media audit is an...

Certus Insights has compiled an in-depth report that reviews the major trends on public attitudes toward the impeachment inquiry, including the latest polling numbers, trends in attitudes since the inquiry announcement, an overview of partisan attitudes, and the impact of impeachment on the President’s approval...

The demise of Biden’s candidacy may have been exaggerated––at least according to these two polls which give the former VP a clear advantage…. The last debate was Oct. 15 and the SurveyUSA poll was taken Oct. 15-16 and the Politico poll was taken Oct. 16-20…....

This poll was taken after last week’s debate and it shows Biden edging Warren in Iowa with Buttigieg third. It also finds that only 35% of Iowa Democrats say their minds are made up and 64% say they might change their picks before the caucuses....

A new surveyof Americans finds that corporate social responsibility is important to the buying decisions of many consumers, but that there is skepticism about the sincerity of these efforts. Seventy percent of consumers want to know what the brands they support are doing to address social...